Virtual earth 3d models
Virtual earth 3d models

Teaching, learning and technology are colliding faster and more strongly than ever, as they are facing increasing pressures in respect to innovation and research while concurrently keeping costs at an absolute minimum and reducing the consumption of raw materials. The initial sustainable e-learning framework for higher-education institutions in Malaysia will include various elements such as teaching principles, learning, green technology, and applications. The criteria for the initial sustainable e-learning framework are based on the literature review as shown inTable 2. Based on an intensive literature review (Kar-tin, 2005, Isaías et al., 2009, Baker et al., 2002, Reynard, 2010, Dhotre and Patil, 2010, Wagner et al., 2008, Harasim, 1995, Beetham and Sharpe, 2007, Kanninen, 2008, Rubens et al., 2011, Blake et al., 2000, Bidarra and Cardoso, 2007, Hart, 2009, Soh et al., 2012, Samah et al., 2011, Rego et al., 2010, Jothi et al., 2011, Sharma and Sharma, 2009, Chiou, 2011, Yang, 2006), several criteria have been considered in the development of an innovative and future-oriented framework (SeeTable 3). The mentioned challenges in Malaysian higher education motivate this research, which aims to develop and assess a new sustainable e-learning framework. , Semantic features, ,, Video games High power graphics 3D and immersive web Ontology-based tools, ,, 3D visualization and interaction Intelligent Search Engines Cloud computing, , Independency from centralized institutional websites Service-oriented infrastructures User-friendly interfaces, , User profiling techniques Artificial intelligence, Ontology creation, , Ontology maintenance, Hardware equipment (computers, laptops, mobile phones, etc.) Fast internet connection Semantic interoperability Interoperability of web-based educational systems Easy to use end-user applications, ,, Semantic web ready content, ,, Open data Training for e-learning Tutors Inter-connectedness among institutions Development of learning methods based on real experience Data integration platforms Infrastructural semantic tools and services Large repositories of linked data Educational servers 3. During this process some CFSs from the informations systems and e-Learning systems were refined (added or removed), and new dimensions and factors were added.This framework organized the CSFs into five dimensions (table 3).

virtual earth 3d models virtual earth 3d models

– The paper is expected to provide further ideas of developing a sustainable e-learning framework, as well as the importance of a sustainable e-learning to provide quality learning through technology, application, sustainable development and teaching and learning principles perspectives. Furthermore, this paper identified the gaps in the findings therefore, this paper will try to minimize these gaps through the initial sustainable e-learning framework. – The findings show that even though sustainable e-learning research is still limited, contributions to sustainable e-learning were recognized and some ideas and perspectives for the development of a sustainable e-learning framework were identified.

virtual earth 3d models

– The paper examines the elements of e-learning, technology, application, sustainable development and teaching and learning principles that contribute toward a sustainable e-learning through a descriptive literature review approach and a classification scheme. The aims are to discover and highlight some ideas on developing a sustainable learning in higher education in Malaysia.

virtual earth 3d models

The purpose of this paper is to present a descriptive literature review and a classification scheme for studies on sustainable development, e-learning and Web 3.0 that contribute toward sustainable e-learning.

Virtual earth 3d models